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Our beautiful six year old daughter from Gayton, King’s Lynn, Norfolk, who tragically drowned while on a family holiday in the Gran Canaries in October 2010.
On the 2 February 2004 Megan Amy was born on her due date with a mass of beautiful dark hair and big dark eyes. We were over the moon, one of the happiest days of our life. Megan for us was the icing on the cake a little girl after her two brothers. As a baby you could not ask for a more beautiful or better behaved child, from that day we knew she was special.
Megan packed lots into a short life, ballet and tap which she loved and had been looking forward to performing with her dance school in Princess and the frog on stage just before Christmas. School was never a problem she was always keen to go, she loved her friends and had her special ones with whom she played. Clever and keen to learn, she loved to do reading, writing, drawing and maths at school and at home. Table tennis at school which she constantly practised, increasing her number of ‘uppeys’. She was also a keen Rainbow and in July 2010 she went to the Royal Flower Show with her best friend Chloe to present flowers to Prince Charles and Camilla, afterwards Camilla came over and spoke to us and congratulated us on the lovely curtsey Megan had done.
When Meg had finished school for the day she would run out of class, give us a kiss and headed straight for the climbing frame, where she would dangle upside down and chat to her friends, then it was off to collect her scooter where she would zip off along the path with her hair swinging shouting “excuse me” as she went.
But for her she loved her Princess parties, she loved the manicures, pedicures and having her hair plaited and styled. Singing and dancing, role play and her playhouse was part of her busy life. Megan was a bling princess a real girly girl, her favourite colour was pink, she loved pretty clothes, butterflies and sparkles, the more bling the better. Things had to be just right and everything had its place.
For Megan wait was not an option, she did not do wait and when she wanted something she knew all she had to do was her puppy dog look – she would tilt her head to one side, fluttering her eyelashes, sticking out her bottom lip and say “Please Daddy Please”.
Megan was a loving daughter and sister and caring towards family and friends, she made us very proud and made our world complete. As we watched her blossom and grow we looked forward to seeing our beautiful girl growing up and becoming anything she set her mind to, falling in love and getting married.
We now have to take comfort knowing that she touched and enriched, not just our life but so many others too. She is the brightest star on a clear night; she is the most beautiful of angels playing safe in heaven. She is all around us. Megan loved everyone and everyone loved Megan.